Certified prevention courses
2 courses (which can also be 2 x the same course) are usually subsidized by your health insurance company per year.
You can find the group courses in the database for prevention courses from your health insurance company. The individual consultations are not displayed in the search function in the database, so I would be happy to point this out to you.
All course IDs for individual nutritional advice are listed below. Young people can take part in the counseling with or without a caregiver. The reference person can participate free of charge during all consultations or only be present at the beginning and end of the consultation.
One-on-one nutritional advice
For children from 6 years, adolescents & adults 3 x 45 min. (135 min. )
(+ free accompanying person (legal guardian) for children / adolescents)
To prevent malnutrition and malnutrition or to avoid & reduce obesity:
Group compact courses for adults
6-15 participants
Scope: Always 2 consecutive days, both days with 2 x 90 minutes each and with a 15-minute break
Day 1 (4 units of 45 minutes each), day 2 (4 units of 45 minutes each), after 2 units there is a 15-minute break.
Avoidance of malnutrition and malnutrition
Prevent deficiencies - protein, energy, vitamins & minerals
Desire to have children, pregnancy & breastfeeding
Healthy nutrition in everyday working life
A vegetarian and vegan diet that meets your needs
Healthy eating in old age
Prevent gas, diarrhea, constipation, reflux & heartburn
Prevent irritable stomach and bowel syndrome
Prevent osteoporosis - strengthen bones from a young age
Avoidance and reduction of obesity
Lose weight safely & feel good
DGE course "I lose weight" - The program for losing weight and feeling good (from the German Society for Nutrition eV)
Lower cholesterol levels, prevent hardening of the arteries and heart attacks
Prevent insulin resistance & fatty liver
Prevent diabetes, high blood pressure & gout
Prevent inflammation
Prevent cancer