Fasting for the healthy
& Therapeutic fasting for certain diseases
Nutrition from within
Body - soul - spirit - balance
A new start for the soul with an improved mood
Voluntary renunciation of solid food and luxury foods for a limited time
Eat more than just less
Positive for your gut microbiome & immune system
Ancient dietetics:
The Greek physician Hippocrates of Kos (around 460 to around 370 BC) advises fasting as a therapeutic agent: "When the disease is at its height, the most scarce food supply must be available."
Today fasting is used for prevention and therapy in diseases
> 12 hospitals & clinics offer inpatient or outpatient fasting therapies (as of 2019).
According to estimates by the medical society therapeutic fasting and nutrition e. V. (ÄGHE) annually around 10,000 patients undergo a therapeutic fasting cure.
Fasting for healthy people:
Fasting week 8 days (10 days)
1 day of relief, 5 days of fasting and 2 days of rebuilding
Therapeutic fasting (therapeutic fasting) :
reasonable minimum duration of fasting therapy 8-10 (21) days
plus 1 relief day before and 3 build-up days afterwards
The end of the fast (breaking the fast) on the last day of fasting and then a so-called "build-up time" is set.
Micronutrients and essential fatty acids:
Micronutrient supplementation is usually unnecessary for people with a balanced nutritional status for a fasting period of 2–4 weeks. If a marginal supply of certain micronutrients is suspected or if there is an increased need, supplementation can be carried out. Vitamins and minerals are supplied through juices and vegetable broths. For the chronically ill, micronutrients are supplemented as well as natural essential fatty acids in the form cis-cis (cold-pressed sunflower / linseed oil).
With correct medically controlled handling, good performance without feeling hungry
- positive experience of renunciation in a consumer society
- Fasting as a strong impulse to change diet and eating behavior & health-conscious behavior
- Learning about self-help options for everyday life (e.g. short fasting for light
Infections).Stimulation of all elimination processes during fasting
Relief of disease symptoms: chronic inflammatory diseases
Cardiovascular Diseases, Chronic Pain Syndromes
Atopic diseases, psychosomatic disorders (according to ÄGHE ICD-10> than 60 diseases)
Fasting together promotes group dynamics and may make it easier to persevere
Exercise during fasting reduces body protein breakdown
Changes in metabolism - stimulation, blood sugar level drops, fat is broken down -> weight reduction
Positive effect on the psyche - endorphins are released
Positive effect on the intestinal microbiome (health-promoting bacteria multiply, which convert fiber into anti-inflammatory short-chain fatty acids and thus have a positive effect on the immune system and blood pressure)
Strengthening your immune system (pro-inflammatory T cells decrease and beneficial regulatory T cells increase)
The senses of taste are sharpened - enjoy LM
Shut down, recharge your batteries, relax
Find relaxation & tranquility - find yourself
Getting started with losing weight can make it easier to change your diet afterwards
different concepts possible
as a beginning to learn and consolidate new eating habits
Protein and carbohydrate-modified forms of fasting: Consumption of even small amounts of carbohydrates or protein leads to enormous savings in body protein consumption & avoid ketoacidosis (fasting acidosis) due to lower keto acid formation.
Before fasting
Get medical advice: Due to possible unfavorable physiological and psychological reactions as well as possible interactions (adaptation / reduction of medication may be necessary) with medication, it is advisable to accompany the therapeutic fasting with a doctor.
Cachexia (e.g. tumor and AIDS diseases)
People> 65
Children under 16 years
Anorexia nervosa and underweight
Decompensated hyperthyroidism
Advanced cerebrovascular insufficiency or dementia
Advanced liver or kidney failure
pregnancy and breast feeding period
Hyperuricemia -> threat of gout attack
Risk indications and accompanying diagnoses in which fasting therapeutic treatment may only be carried out in the close supervision of experienced fasting doctors.
Retinal detachment
Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Advanced coronary heart disease
Ulcus ventriculi et / ut duodeni
Malignant tumor diseases
Problem medications during fasting therapy
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Systemic corticosteroids
Antihypertensive drugs (especially beta blockers and diuretics)
Antidiabetic drugs
Contraceptives (limited effect)
Psychotropic drugs (especially neuroleptics and lithium)
Anti-epileptic drugs
Source: Medical Association Therapeutic Fasting & Nutrition eV (ÄGHE): guidelines for fasting therapy
Would you like to fast healthily & benefit from numerous advantages?
I am here for you.
"Your food should be your remedies , & your remedies should be your food."
Hippocrates (460-370 BC)