Here clients report who have experienced holistic nutritional advice in my practice.
At this point I would like to thank all clients from the bottom of my heart for the openness and time
thank each and every one of them for their rating in Google.
Thank you for sharing your experience with others and for writing these lines.
I also ask for your feedback!
I am interested in continuously improving my service. One can learn from mistakes.
I would be very happy if you could take a little time for me to share your impression, so that I can continue to improve.
Thank you very much for your time!

Ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle bei allen Klienten aus tiefstem Herzen bedanken für die Offenheit & Zeit die sich jeder Einzelne genommen hat für sein Feedback. Danke dafür, dass du deine Erfahrungen mit anderen teilen möchtest und deine Zeilen geschrieben hast.
Ich bitte um Dein Feedback.
Ich bin an einer stetigen Verbesserung meines Services interessiert, daher ist mir deine Meinung sehr wichtig. Aus Fehlern kann man lernen. Ich freue mich sehr, wenn du dir einen kleinen Moment Zeit für mich nehmen könntest, deinen Eindruck zu teilen, damit ich mich immer weiter verbessern kann. Ich weiß das wirklich zu schätzen! Vielen vielen herzlichen Dank für deine Mühe & deine Zeit!

"I already know Ms. Mörstedt from our university degree in health education (Bachelor). Ms. Mörstedt brought her nutritional training and knowledge into the course from the start and reflected this against the background of the" state of art "of theories in health science (salutogenesis, resilience, etc.) In this way, her knowledge could be raised to a higher level and she can be considered a proven and scientifically trained specialist on nutrition topics embedded in a "bio-psycho-social" view of people To reflect pedagogically and to translate them into plausible concepts with practical value for clients and patients (practicability vs. getting stuck on an abstract level). Ergo, she thinks oractic and solution-oriented. It was always obvious that Ms. Mörstedt, never the human perspective ve lost sight of: she is compassionate and always striving to get the best out of her patients and clients. She is reliable, helpful and always friendly. Simply a dear, loving person. If I have any questions about specific nutrition-related content within my health education work, she is still there for me to this day as part of collegial advice and takes her time. With Ms. Mörstedt, due to her collegiality, her solution orientation and her uncomplicated, friendly nature, it is easy to always establish a productive working alliance in a good atmosphere and to achieve results. In this respect, Ms. Mörstedt is top on all levels of professional competence, methodological competence and social competence! Great woman !! I can only recommend Ms. Mörstedt to everyone as a person and specialist. "
Erin André Hornung
Health Care Education BA
Curative Education (PFH)
State-approved geriatric nurse
state-approved music teacher
certified yoga teacher (AYA)
Mindfulness & PMR trainer (PH Karlsruhe) "