Your investment in your life & Reimbursement
Experience exciting offers
# Health # Well-being # Self-determined life # Future
"Only those who know their destination will find the way."
Laotse, Chinese philosopher (6th century BC)

Bei vielen Erkrankungen kann ein sehr guter Ernährungszustand Krankheitsverläufe positiv zu beeinflussen. Eine für Sie günstige Ernährungsumstellung kann Sie dabei unterstützen, evtl. Medikamentendosen zu senken oder die Einnahme ganz zu verhindern und oder Komplikationen zu vermeiden. Ziele der Ernährungsberatung sind, das allgemeine Wohlbefinden zu verbessern, das eigene Ernährungsverhalten zu optimieren, sofern vorhanden - Einfluss auf die Grunderkrankungen zu nehmen, Beschwerden zu lindern, einer Verschlechterung vorzubeugen oder die Heilung einer Krankheit zu unterstützen.
Profitiere von einer zertifizierten, wertschätzenden Begleitung,
ganzheitlich ausgerichtet auf deine Bedürfnisse.

Your health is importantto me!
Medical nutrition advice
Investment & reimbursement by health insurance companies
The investment for your consultation can be partially or completely reimbursed by statutory and private health insurances. For medical nutrition advice, you need one medical certificate. I would be happy to support you individually with regard to your prior knowledge / concerns / wishes, please do not hesitate to contact me.
The prices include:
individual consultation documents tailored to your needs
Nutrition plans: master plan tailored to your needs, weekly plans as suggestions for implementation
Nutritional journal (Compass Nutrition) with nutritional information & recipes
More brochures with nutritional information & recipes
Receive advice : personally on site / or conveniently through data protection -safe video online advice / or by phone
You will receive an invoice that you Pay directly with us & a confirmation of participation about the consultation
Reimbursement of costs by your health insurance company: Forward the medical certificate and the invoice to your health insurance company, which will then reimburse you for the specified amount.
Information: The advice is deductible from your tax as an extraordinary burden. You do not need a medical certificate for prevention courses.
Arrange your personal consultation now!
Opening times: Mon - Sat: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
E-mail free of charge without obligation or simply call 07181 - 9379055
Information for AOK insured persons: *
The AOK offers nutritional advice free of charge to its members, but can subsidize prevention courses (including individual nutritional advice as a course) from external providers, as well as therapeutic advice in the event of illnesses. If you would like to take advantage of my individual medical consultation, you can receive a subsidy of 150 euros (as of 2/2021) per prevention course from your health fund as part of the prevention. You will receive a grant for 2 prevention courses per year (this can also be 2 of the same course). For this it would be necessary to explain to your health insurance company why you would like to take advantage of my advice, for example (e.g. because you like the holistic approach & nutritional psychological method for achieving your goals, proximity to your place of residence, etc.). Your health fund can then make a decision on a case-by-case basis and also subsidize external providers. Just ask your cash register directly, they will be happy to help you with this.
# certified & holistic
# for children, teenagers & adults
# including free companion
(Legal guardians) for children and adolescents

M edical individual nutritional advice
with medical certificate
60 min. - 140 € (also online)
Duration individually as required .
Initial consultation: approx. 90 min. - approx. 210 € / follow-up consultation / s: approx. 60 min.
Each 15 minutes or part thereof is billed at € 35.
I can offer you discounted conditions for couples or groups - feel free to contact me & write to me using the contact form.
Just Be
Certified nutrition prevention courses (learn more)
Medical individual nutritional advice:
135 minutes in total (315 €)
Group compact courses on various topics
6 - 15 participants , 2 days with 3 h & 15 min. Break each, course fee (199 €)
I'm losing weight - course of the German Society for Nutrition eV, 12 x 90 min. (399 €)
A reimbursement of costs by your health insurance company usually takes place after the treatment has been carried out and payment has been made. We ask for your understanding that the amount of the reimbursement is determined by each health insurance company and the reimbursement amount differs from one fund to the next. We have no influence on this and you have to reimburse the costs yourself. Please ask your health insurance company for the exact amount, as the amounts vary from one fund to the next. You will receive information on how much the reimbursement for the consultation will be in your case. If you wish, I will also be happy to prepare a cost estimate and send it to you by email.
"Your food should be your remedies , & your remedies should be your food."
Hippocrates (460-370 BC)

Auch Hippokrates wusste schon was uns gut tut (460 - 370 v. Chr.)
„Eure Nahrungsmittel sollen eure Heilmittel,
& eure Heilmittel sollen eure Nahrungsmittel sein.“