With fun & joy
to success!
Advantages & benefits of nutritional advice
in the prevention and therapy of diseases
Those who do not take time for their health have to spend a lot of time for their illnesses at some point ...
Healthy nutrition & dietetics
In the case of illnesses , a basic anti-inflammatory diet supports the recovery process as well as the alleviation / healing of complaints. For the prevention of illnesses (= prophylaxis), an anti-inflammatory basic diet, adapted to your individual needs, can help actively prevent illnesses and thus prevent them from developing in the first place. Depending on the illness and symptoms, different types of diet / forms of nutrition are recommended for nutritional therapy based on current scientific knowledge. Examples of diets are the whole diet, the light whole diet, consistency-defined diets (soft, pureed, liquid food) and many more that ultimately do justice to the respective clinical picture or symptom complex. If a vitamin or mineral deficiency is suspected, only a blood test can provide precise information about the extent of the respective deficiency. Please have your blood values checked regularly. According to the national consumption study 2, common deficiency vitamins / minerals in Germany are: Vitamins: D = cholecalciferol, E = tocopherol, B9 = folic acid, B 1 = thiamine, B 2 = riboflavin. Minerals & trace elements: iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine, zinc, selenium.
Protein deficiency - regular serum albumin level control recommended : Depending on the type of diet / complaints / eating behavior / diseases ( vegan diet , malnutrition & malnutrition (one-sided diet or too little energy / protein), loss of appetite , chronic diseases), a protein deficiency is also possible with overweight! If necessary, have your serum albumin level determined in your blood count if you are concerned that you are not supplied with enough protein.
Lack of energy - attention - low body weight!
Underweight (body mass index below 18.5 according to the WHO) should be avoided, as it is detrimental to growth in children and a certain buffer of energy is necessary in old age to survive any illnesses. Therefore a weight in the normal range: BMI 18.5 - 24.9 is recommended in any case for better health and stability.
There are energy-supplying, also called main nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) & essential nutrients . Ie these essential nutrients are indispensable, they have to be taken in daily with food. The essential ones include vitamins, minerals and certain amino acids and fatty acids. The energy and protein requirements will be calculated individually for you during the consultation. The calculated values differ from person to person, ie gender, age, height, state of health, the fact whether you are pregnant / breastfeeding, but also, for example, the percentage of muscle and fat mass in the body as well as physical activity and have an influence the consideration of your overall situation, stress and everyday work. Every organism is individual and works differently. During the consultation, it will be checked whether you are adequately supplied with all nutrients and energy as well as protein (and also secondary phytochemicals and fiber) and how you can eat optimally so that you are all around well or your state of health can be improved.
Assessment of weight in relation to height - The BMI = Body mass index
This provides information about your nutritional status in relation to your height and weight.
Percentile curves apply to infants, children and adolescents.
For bodybuilders, the BMI is not easy to use (muscle mass is heavier than fat mass).
Formula: Body weight in kg : (body height in m) 2
Underweight: <18.5
Normal weight: 18.5 - 24.9
Overweight = pre-obesity: 25-29.9
Obesity grade I: 30 - 34.9
Obesity grade II: 35-39.9
Obesity grade III:> 40 = per magna
Waist circumference in cm
Interpretation explains the risk for metabolic and cardiovascular complications:
Men (increased risk ≥ 94 cm, significantly increased risk (102 cm)
Women (increased risk ≥ 80 cm, significantly increased risk (88 cm)
Dietetics - teaching of the defined forms of nutrition
The word dietetics comes from the Greek word "diaita" and means healthy eating and living . Today dietetics is the study of the defined forms of nutrition for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases. Skt. Galen (129-200 BC) defined the culture of natural things that are necessary for our health. His classic concept of maintaining human health "Non res naturalis" describes 6 elementary things:
Air and light (aer)
Food and drink (cibus et potus)
Movement and rest (motus et quies)
Sleeping and waking (somnus et vigilia)
Excreta (excreta et sekreta)
the passions (affectus animi)