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Ernährungsberatung Schorndorf

I would like to make an appointment for nutritional advice / medical nutritional advice (= therapy). Do I have to pay attention to something?

For preventive nutritional advice, you can optionally come to the counseling with a prescription, but you do not have to. If you have one or more illnesses, please have your doctor draw up a prescription for nutritional advice. The following should be noted on this informal prescription from your doctor (= medical certificate of necessity):

  • Number of units: 10 x 60 min. Nutritional therapy according to § 43 SGB V or § 20 SGBV if you are healthy

  • All diagnosis / reasons for requesting advice from healthy individuals (pregnancy / desire for children, etc.)

Please bring this recipe with you to the first appointment, but you are welcome to submit it later. I also recommend that you take current blood values with you and, if you are taking medication, a list of the medications you are taking. You will receive full or partial reimbursement of the costs from your health insurance company. Please ask your health insurance company how much your individual subsidy / cost assumption is. I would be happy to provide you with a cost estimate for your health insurance company in advance.


At what times are counseling appointments given?

The consultation appointments agreed in advance by telephone / email take place: Monday to Friday from 4.30 p.m. or in the morning. Saturdays by individual arrangement between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m.

Is there a customer car park?

Yes. You can park right in front of the gray gate. This space is reserved for you.

How do I get to the practice by public transport or by car?

How to get to the practice in Schorndorf

What does nutrition advice or medical nutrition advice cost in the event of illness?

The price is based on the current recommendations for nutritional advice and medical nutritional advice for qualified professionals. You can also purchase and give away vouchers.

To the price overview

Qualified nutritional advice - do I get a subsidy from my health insurance?

Nutritionist is not a protected professional title in Germany. Ie in Germany everyone can call themselves that. However, you will only receive qualified advice through appropriate training or studies. However, the health insurance companies only support the advice through cost sharing if it is a qualified nutritional advice. Dieticians, nutritionists and nutritionists, for example. Regular further training is part of the training or course of study in order to guarantee advice that corresponds to the latest scientific findings.

Our advice is qualified and subsidized.

What can I expect from a nutritional counseling service?

The first interview serves to get to know each other. I get an idea of you and your personal situation, taking into account your eating and drinking habits as well as your living conditions. A nutritional history is taken.  I will provide you with basic information about your clinical picture and the relationship with your diet. Together we set the first realistic goals and develop solution strategies that are suitable for everyday use and can be implemented.


How is the process? The end

How many appointments are made?

The number of consultation appointments depends on your clinical picture as well as that  Extent of the desired change in diet. As a rule, a follow-up interview takes place after the first interview. Then you personally decide on the further number of appointments. As a rule, the health insurance companies support 5 consultation appointments, in special cases also 10 appointments (severe obesity, eating disorders).

How do I pay for the consultation & how does the billing with the health insurance work?

After the consultation you will receive an invoice and transfer the amount or pay in cash, as you wish. You clarify the cost subsidy in advance with your health insurance company and they will reimburse you for the amount mentioned after you have sent them the invoice and possibly the prescription for nutritional therapy in the event of illness.

Are home visits possible?

Yes. Please take into account that external appointments incur travel costs due to the journey (see price overview).

I have to cancel my appointment. Do I have to pay the costs for this?

So that we can pass your appointment on to other customers, we ask you, if you have already made an appointment and are unfortunately unable to do so, by 48  h to be canceled before the start of the appointment. There are no costs to you here. In the case of short-term cancellations (<48 hours before the agreed appointment), we have to invoice the costs, as we are usually unable to give the appointment to other customers in this short time frame. You are ill: You do not have to pay the costs for the agreed consultation either, even if the cancellation is made on the same day. We understand this. Please submit the medical notification of illness to us so that we do not charge you any costs for this.

What does the job title of state-certified dietitian mean?

The job title is protected by law and may only be used with permission. In a three-year training at a state-recognized school, this concludes with an exam. Dietician is the only health profession in the field of nutrition and dietetics and is therefore protected by law. Dietitians have in-depth medical knowledge and only work with reliable, current scientific knowledge and, after completing their training, regularly continue their education in order to be able to act and advise according to current nutritional knowledge.

What does the abbreviation VDD certified mean?

The Association of German Dieticians (VDD) issues a training certificate if certain requirements are met. This is used for quality assurance and is a prerequisite for reimbursement by the health insurance companies. It confirms the continuous training and thus represents the foundation for qualified professional and up-to-date advice. B. To have courses for group / individual counseling certified at the Central Testing Office for Prevention.

gesundes Mittagessen
Ernährungsberatung Sarah Mörstedt
Praxis für Ganzheitliche ErSarah Mörstedtährungsbertung & Ernährungstherapie Sarah Mörstedt Diätassistentin Gesundheitspädagogin (B.A.) Diätetik Schorndorf
VDD Sarah Mörstedt Diätassistentin VDD Logo
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