Sarah Moerstedt
Training occupation: dietician (3 years)
Advanced and advanced training:
Study of Health Education Health Care Education Bachelor of Arts (3.5 years)
Mental strengthening & motivation (NLP techniques)
DGE course instructor - "I lose weight" program
Quality control;
VDD - advanced training certificate (valid for 3 years - requires continuous advanced training)
Certified prevention courses: Central testing center for prevention
VDD - certified member of the Association of Dieters, Deutscher Bundesverband eV

Hallo, ich bin Sarah, ich freue mich sehr dass du hier bist. Gesunde Ernährung ist meine Leidenschaft, ich liebe meinen Beruf & freue mich dich wertschätzend zu begleiten. Es ist mir wichtig, dass du dich gut in der Beratung fühlst und das was dir wichtig ist entstehen kann. Ich freue mich, Menschen mit ihren individuellen Ernährungsbedürfnissen zu unterstützen , sich besser zu fühlen, Ihre Genesung zu beschleunigen, Erkrankungen entgegenzuwirken.
Ich habe sehr große Freude daran, Menschen positiv für für eine gesunde Ernährung & Gesundheit zu begeistern. Die wichtigste Beziehung in deinem Leben ist die Beziehung zu dir selbst. Du kannst alles schaffen was du möchtest! Gerne zeige ich dir deinen Weg, wie du es schaffen kannst deine Ernährung dauerhaft so umzustellen, dass du dich besser fühlst, mit dir & deinem Essen glücklich bist, Frieden mit deinem Körper schließt & deine Ziele erreichen kannst. Ich freue mich, Dich bei einer für dich angepassten bedarfs- & bedürfnisgerechten Ernährung zu begleiten für mehr Wohlbefinden & Gesundheit.
Vertrauen ist die schönste Form von Mut.
Flow Your Mind
Ich unterstütze dich gerne dabei DEINEN eigenen Flow zu finden!

Ich sehe dich & feiere deinen Mut neue Wege zu gehen, gebe dir Raum für Dein Sein
Ich nehme deine Vergangenheit wertfrei an & frage dich was DU willst & ermutige dich dorthin zu kommen.
Häufig weiß man schon was man an seiner Ernährung verbessern kann und fragt sich warum es mit dem Abnehmen zum Beispiel einfach nicht klappen mag. Dafür kann es viele Gründe geben! Ich kann dir als Coach wertvolle Unterstützung bieten & dich auf Dauer so motivieren, dass du deine Ziele erreichen kannst! Durch Insider-Tipps, mein Ernährungsfachwissen, meinem ganzheitlichen Blickwinkel auf deine Situation und Bedürfnisse sowie meiner Motivationsfürsorge kann ich dir so bei deinen Zielen eine aktive Unterstützung bieten. Zu zweit geht alles leichter! Lass mich dir helfen und zusammen schaffen wir es, dass du dein Verhalten deinen Zielen anpassen kannst und auf Dauer zufriedener mit Dir und deinem Körper LEBEN kannst. Ich freue mich darauf dich zu unterstützen.
Sei Du selbst - Jetzt ist deine Zeit!
Du darfst JETZT glücklich sein.
Lebe dankbar, lebe achtsam, lebe GLÜCKLICH.

# Passionate dietician
# Nutritional psychological method - motivational coach
# Adapted nutrition for more well-being
Appreciation is the basis of my work
Hello, my name is Sarah, I am very happy that you are here. Healthy nutrition is my passion, I love my job and look forward to accompanying you in an appreciative way. For me, appreciative and positive support during the consultation is the basis. It is important to me that you feel good in the consultation and that what is important to you can emerge. I am happy to support people with their individual nutritional needs, to feel better, to accelerate their recovery, to counteract illnesses.
I take great pleasure in inspiring people positively for healthy nutrition and health. The most important relationship in your life is the relationship with yourself. You can create anything you want! I would be happy to show you how you can permanently change your diet so that you feel better, are happy with yourself & your food, make peace with your body & can achieve your goals. I look forward to accompanying you with a diet tailored to your needs and needs for more well-being and health.
Are you ready for your positive change?
Trust is the most beautiful form of courage.
F low Y our M ind
I support you to find YOUR own F low!
I see you & celebrate your courage to break new ground!
I give you space for your being
I accept your past without judgment
I ask you what YOU want
I encourage you to go there where YOU want
Often you already know what you can improve in your diet and ask yourself why losing weight, for example, just doesn't work out.
There can be many reasons for this!
As a coach, I can offer you valuable support & motivate you in the long term so that you can achieve your goals! With insider tips, my nutritional knowledge, my holistic perspective on your situation and needs as well as my motivational care, I can offer you active support in your goals.
Everything is easier with two people!
Let me help you and together we will manage that you can adapt your behavior to your goals and LIVE more satisfied with yourself and your body in the long run.
I look forward to helping you!
Your Sarah
Career: Sarah Mörstedt
I am the proud mother of 3 wonderful children, born in 08/2016, 06/2018 and 09/2020.
2007: Abitur, nutritional high school, Johanna-Wittum School Pforzheim
2009-12: Training as a dietician, Marienhospital Stuttgart - diet school
2012 -16:
Deputy kitchen manager, Bethanien Care Center, Stuttgart-Möhringen
Acceptance as a scholarship holder at the Sbb - gifted students
Certificate course for the ICH slim down course concept (DGE)
Marienhospital Stuttgart, diet school
Teaching in theory & practice in the major subject of dietetics
Nutritional therapy
Patient training courses - group counseling: I'll lose weight - DGE eV program
Public relations (e.g. patient days)
2017: Establishment of a practice in nutritional counseling
10/2014 - 3/2018: Part-time study of health education - Health Care Education
at the IB Hochschule Stuttgart (degree, Bachelor of Arts).
18 - today: Further education & training & cooperation with various partners
Continuous advanced and advanced training
Constant self-study of specialist literature
Regular attendance of congresses, specialist conferences and specialist lectures
Participation in seminars & training courses
Certificate course for the course of the DGE - German Society for Nutrition eV - I lose weight!
Mental trainer
Hypnosis coach
NLP practitioner
Motivation & Life Coach
Diet for obesity
Diet after bariatric surgery
Diet in Diabetes
Enteral nutrition therapy
Do you have any questions?
I am happy to support you, email or just call 07181 - 9379055
for a non-binding consultation on your concern.
Arrange your personal consultation now.
I look forward to it!
For the training of dietitians:
Training subjects in the 3-year school education
Cooking and kitchen technology
Nutritional biochemistry
Food industry
Hygiene and toxicology
Nutritional Psychology and Sociology
Diet and nutritional advice
Food science and food preservation
Anatomy / physiology
General disease theory
Special pathology and nutritional medicine
Organization of the kitchen operation
Hospital management
Professional, legal and civic studies
IT, documentation and statistics
Technical English
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