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Ganzheitliche Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung (BGF) für Unternehmen


Zertifizierte bewährte Maßnahmen

Bei Ihnen vor Ort, Online oder in meiner Praxis


Mit Sarah Mörstedt - Ihre ganzheitliche Ernährungsexpertin


Wertschätzung ist die Basis meiner Arbeit.

Lassen Sie uns wertvoll mit unseren Lebensmitteln umgehen.

Ich arbeite mit Herz & Seele - Gesunde Ernährung ist meine Leidenschaft.


„Eure Nahrungsmittel sollen eure Heilmittel & eure Heilmittel sollen eure Nahrungsmittel sein.“ Hippokrates (460 - 370 v. Chr.)










Ernährung bedarfs- und bedürfnisgerecht

Fee-based activity & opportunity for cooperation


I am happy to work on a fee basis for companies, health insurance companies, rehabilitation centers, health centers, clinics, retirement and nursing homes, doctors, pharmacies, fitness studios and other health facilities. For this purpose, I would be happy to carry out my offer at your site or on my premises.
  • Nutritional advice & - medical nutrition therapy for employees or your customers - also online

  • Lectures of 60 minutes each in your home or online

  • Lecturer (nutrition, dietetics (theory & teaching cooking), cooking & kitchen technology - food preparation (theory & teaching cooking)


Certified prevention courses with health insurance subsidies - also online

2 courses per year and employee are eligible for health insurance


  • Individual counseling course a total of 135 minutes per employee



Gift certificates for advice


Also as online advice


Please note: initial discussions last approx. 90 minutes, individually as required




Fee-based activity & opportunity for cooperation


I am happy to work on a fee basis for companies, health insurance companies, rehabilitation centers, health centers, clinics, retirement and nursing homes, doctors, pharmacies, fitness studios and other health facilities. For this purpose, I would be happy to carry out my offer at your site or on my premises.
  • Nutritional advice & - medical nutrition therapy for employees or your customers - also online

  • Lectures of 60 minutes each in your home or online

  • Lecturer (nutrition, dietetics (theory & teaching cooking), cooking & kitchen technology - food preparation (theory & teaching cooking)


Lectures / workshops / with or without show cooking - also online!



  • Be strong in everyday working life through healthy eating

  • Intuitive nutrition in everyday working life

  • Stress-free weight loss on the job

  • Nutrition in the field

  • Nutrition during construction work

  • Office work nutrition

  • Diet during shift work


We are happy to provide further topics on request


Nutrition information desk / nutrition consultation


Nutritional check with advice  - with health insurance subsidy

  • 15/30 or 60 minutes per person - as you wish

  • also possible therapeutically with a doctor's prescription

  • Weighing & body analysis & assessment of nutritional status

  • Detailed nutritional history

  • individual calculations (BMI / need for energy & protein)

  • Learn intuitive eating behavior - avoid stress eating

  • personal nutritional recommendations

  • including free information material, recipes, brochures

  • Hypnosis pleasure training with sensory training

  • Virtual stomach reduction for overweight employees

  • Try it out if necessary


Healthy meals in your company
  • You can meet the high demands of your customers by offering full-fledged energy-adapted meals. With advertising for your wholesome catering you not only win customers, you also do something good for your employees & optimize your company image.

  • You will receive a full, fat-modified & seasonal menu with nutritional value calculations and recipes

  • Calculation of the nutritional value of the dishes you offer

  • more about seals of approval for a wholesome menu

  • Canteen check with advice on optimizing your menu offer


Possible questions for the canteen - check for food selection / preparation / offer

  • Do the dishes on offer provide the basis for a wholesome diet based on current recommendations?

  • Is the recommended amount of energy for the respective environment (day care center, school, retirement home, etc.) adhered to?

  • Are there enough fibers / proteins / omega-3 fatty acids in the menu?

  • What alternatives to high-fat / sweet dishes are there?

  • How are foods sweetened?

  • Which drinks are offered?

  • Are wholegrain products available?

  • Are there enough vegetables and fruits available?

  • Are seasonal aspects taken into account?

  • Are organic ingredients preferred?

  • Are enough herbs & spices used?

  • How many additional ingredients are there in the food / do you cook yourself?

  • Is the offer complete and varied for vegetarians and vegans?

  • Etc.


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